CakePHP Test Fixtures Drop My Tables Permanently After Running A Test Case

I'm not sure what I've done wrong in my CakePHP unit test configuration. Every time I run a test case, the model tables associated with my fixtures are missing form my test database.

After running an individual test case I have to re-import my database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Here are the relevant files:

This is the class I'm trying to test comment.php. This table is dropped after the test.


  class Comment extends AppModel{
  public $name      = 'Comment';

  public $actsAs    = array('Tree');

     public $belongsTo = array('User' => array('fields'=>array('id', 'username')));

  public $validate = array(
  'text'        => array(
  'rule'      =>array('between', 1, 4000),
  'required'  =>'true',
  'message'   => "You can't leave your comment text empty!")



var $default = array(
'driver'     => 'mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'host'       => 'project.db',
'login'      => 'projectman',
'password'   => 'projectpassword',
'database'   => 'projectdb',
'prefix'     => ''

var $test = array(
'driver'     => 'mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'host'       => 'project.db',
'login'      => 'projectman',
'password'   => 'projectpassword',
'database'   => 'testprojectdb',
'prefix'     => ''

My comment.test.php file. This is the table that keeps getting dropped.

App::import('Model', 'Comment');

class CommentTestCase extends CakeTestCase

  public $fixtures = array('app.comment');

  function start(){
    $this->Comment =& ClassRegistry::init('Comment');
    $this->Comment->useDbConfig = 'test_suite';

This is my comment_fixture.php class:

   class CommentFixture extends CakeTestFixture
     var $name = "Comment";

     var $import = 'Comment';

And just in case, here is a typical test method in the CommentTestCase class

   function testMsgNotificationUserComment(){
   $user_id       = '1';
    $submission_id = '1';
    $parent_id = $this->Comment->commentOnModel('Submission', $submission_id,     '0',    $user_id, "Says: A");

  $other_user_id = '2';
   $msg_id = $this->Comment->commentOnModel('Submission', $submission_id, $parent_id,      $other_user_id, "Says: B");

  $expected = array(array('Comment'=>array('id'=>$msg_id, 'text'=>"Says: B", 'submission_id'=>$submission_id, 'topic_id'=>'0', 'ack'=>'0')));

  $result = $this->Comment->getMessages($user_id);

  $this->assertEqual($result, $expected);

I've been dealing with this for a day now and I'm starting to be put off by CakePHP's unit testing. In addition to this issue, Servral times now I've had data inserted into by 'default' database configuration after running tests! What's going on with my configuration?!