Login without HTTPS, how to secure?

For a webapplication, when HTTPS is not available as a security measure, is it possible to still make the login somewhat secure? E.g.:

  • Tokenize logins, to make repeat attacks difficult?
  • Somehow encrypt the sent password from a HTML password field?

In particular I'm using CakePHP and an AJAX POST call to trigger authentication (includes provided username and password).

Update on the problem:

  • HTTPS is not available. Period. If you don't like the the situation, consider it a theoretical question.
  • There are no explicit requirements, you have whatever HTTP, PHP and a browser (cookies, JavaScript etc.) offers in real life (no magic RSA binaries, PGP plugins).
  • Question is, what is the best, you can make out of this situation, that is better than sending the passwords plaintext. Knowing the drawbacks of each such solutions is a plus.