how can i get data from other browser without refreshing browser in cakephp??

i am new to cakephp, and also new to ajax.

the function i trying to do is basically like this:
i am in a add page, which let me select few customer on that page.
but i wanted to set 1 more link for user, which let user click customer immediately on the add page, and the new data will show in my add page without refresh, so that the user can choose the new added customer for enter my form.

i know the idea is base on using ajax. but i am still new to it and hope any 1 can give some comment or suggestion how can i start??

the problem i face is, i am on a form, when i adding a new customer in the form, i wanted to get the new customer to show in my form without refresh. what can i do for getting this function?

thanks a lot and i will very appreciate your answer.