jquery sortable in cakephp, stuck at ajax part


I used to use scriptaculous in all my cakephp projects because of its easy helpers. In time, i got more and more into jquery and now I want to replace my current scriptaculous script with jquery. Until now > everything is good. Except jquery sortable.

Jquery sortable runs, but the ajax call after isn't working right. Now my programmer is on holiday so I've gotta ask you guys:

Old cakephp code (inside pages_controller.php):

function order($parent_id = 0){

	//Users with rights may view this
	$user = $this->checkRights('pages',true);

	//loop through the data sent via the ajax call
	foreach ($this->params['form']['page'] as $order => $id){
		$this->Page->id = $id;
		if(!$this->Page->saveField('order',$order)) {
			$this->flash('Really freaky errors are occuring','/');


My jquery looks like:

    update: function() {
        $.post('/pages/order/0', {
            data: $('.sortable-list').sortable("serialize")

With firebug, I see that the ajax post call produces something like this:


However, it doesn't seem to work. I guess the page[]=id is different that the old scriptaculous format:

pages_0[] 1
pages_0[] 3
pages_0[] 2

However, does anyone know how i can adjust the cakephp file to read the string correctly?

Thx alot!