Delete function in CakePHP

I am trying to delete a list of entries form my table corresponding to a particular id. I get the id and post it through an ajax function to the controller and use the Delete function of the model to delete the particular entry. But the entries are not deleted.

This is my ajax function in the view file called reports.ctp where I call the controller function when a link is clicked.

$(".delete_entries").click(function() {
	      type: "POST",
	      url: "http://localhost/FormBuilder/reports/deleteEntries",
	  	  data: "formid="+formid,
	  	  async: false,
	  	  success: function(msg){
				alert( "Data Saved: " + msg);

This is the delete action in the reports_controller.php

function deleteEntries()

And the model report.php

function delEntries($data)//delete

The table from which I want to delete the entries is 'Results'. some one help me as to how to delete the entries.