Production and Dev Databases in CakePHP: an Even Simpler Explaination


The below-linked article is an excellent example of how to use multiple databases in CakePHP, with an eye towards having a production, development and potentially, even more environments with which to work.

Easy peasy database config (Articles) | The Bakery, Everything CakePHP:

Like a lot of developers out there, I use Subversion to keep control of my code and projects, and I also use a different database for development and production. But when using Cake this can be a problem when checking out my code from development to production. Unless I edit my database.php with my production config, the production code would have problems, as it would be trying to access data from the development database.

The only thing I would add is a minor clarification to the one thing that tripped me up, abbreviated in this code snippet.

var $development = array(...);
var $production = array(...);
var $test = array(...);
var $default = array();

    function __construct()
        $this-&gt;default = ($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == '') ?
            $this-&gt;development : $this-&gt;production;

The important thing here is that CakePHP *always* requires the “default” database entry. The purpose of having the other database arrays is to set the correct one at runtime, which as you can see, the author does by checking the IP address. He then replaces the empty “default” array with one of the desired database arrays.

In my case, I’m running both environments off the same VPS, so I’m comparing domain names. But the idea is the same.

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